by Beth Levine | Oct 6, 2011 | smartmouth talks!
Introducing SmartMouth Communications “Need a Consult?” button.
If you need a second pair of eyes on a speech or presentation; if you need someone to write or rewrite your opening or closing; if you need input or feedback on your slides; or if you simply need to talk through your ideas with a trusted consultant, give us a shout!
by Beth Levine | Apr 26, 2010 | smartmouth talks!
Sometimes spin just happens. All by itself. And there’s no need for a lot of talk.
Take, for example, the case of Eliot Spitzer who, in a recent interview with The New York Times, was very critical of Andrew Cuomo, New York State’s current Attorney General and a prospective candidate for Governor of that state. Spitzer held both of those positions in the past and only relinquished the Governor’s seat under, shall we say, a bit of duress and disgrace. In the interview, Spitzer accused Cuomo of being driven by politics and said, among other things, “The real test is, do you take on the battles that have been unpopular and perhaps seem impossible to win but are important to take on?” As in, do the right thing . . . ? Is that what he meant . . . ?
The response from Cuomo’s spokesman was brief and brilliant. Spokesman Richard Bamberger said, “The attorney general’s record, credibility and honor speak for themselves, as do Mr. Spitzer’s.” End of comment.
by Beth Levine | Nov 7, 2009 | smartmouth talks!
Reflecting on yesterday’s Leadership Communications Seminar – SmartMouth’s first! – I am struck mostly by the good vibe. A diverse group of twelve leaders gathered in an unusually comfortable, sunlit conference room in downtown Salt Lake City to listen, learn, share, discuss, and work together! Time flew. Relationships were formed. Common challenges were noted. Accepted practices were questioned. New ideas and thought processes were floated. Absorption. Understanding. Renewed motivation. Really good group mojo.
Because of the strength and experience of the participants, I morphed into being more the facilitator of dynamic group discussions than the trainer/teacher/coach I so often am. These were professional leader/communicators, exploring the pitfalls and the opportunities they have when they open their mouths – in both formal and informal settings. I used a very hands-on approach, with lots of case studies – including the real-life cases raised by participants – and pushed them pretty hard to develop strong, meaningful messages. No pabulum allowed.
Over lunch, we side-tracked for a little to share personal stories and experiences. I passed around a plate of silk fortune cookies; inside each one was a folded-up slip of paper with a question or the start of an unfinished sentence. All about communicating, all different, all prompting the group into interesting conversation and, in most cases, another learning moment. Some surprising, some very funny, moments.
The opening and culminating exercises of the Seminar were the oh-so-simple-but-oh-so-dreaded “personal introductions,” which interestingly and, I might add, predictably not one of these twelve leaders had at-the-ready. The difference between their output at 9 am and their output at 4 pm was remarkable and very rewarding to observe!
Thanks to all participants! I was honored to be your leader yesterday!
by Beth Levine | Oct 3, 2009 | smartmouth talks!
You are in a leadership position, therefore you are a professional communicator.
People depend on you. Opportunities depend on you. Success depends on your ability to communicate well.
Whether for internal or external audiences, and whether for routine or extraordinary circumstances, your communications matter . . . a lot!
Talk better. Visit to learn more about my Leadership Communications Seminar on November 6th.